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Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Converting Numbers to Different Numerical Systems in JAVA

You may have to change the numbers from one format to other format, as like from decimal to hexagon . Here i have tried the different approach where you can convert from one numerical system to other numerical system using the digits in that numerical system.

For Example , if i want to convert the 10 from decimal to hexagon. I will provide the input in the following format along with the number of Test Cases.
# input1: 10 0123456789 0123456789abcdef
# output: a

Here is the logic for that written in JAVA language.

import java.lang.*; import java.util.*; public class Numbers{ @ SuppressWarnings ("deprication") public static void main(String[] args) { String result=""; Scanner sc=new Scanner(; int i=0,tests=Integer.parseInt(; while(i++<tests){ String; String; String; Number_System source=new Number_System(source_pattern); Number_System target=new Number_System(target_pattern); result=result+"Case #"+i+": "+target.genValue(source.genDeciValue(numbr))+"\n"; } System.out.print(result); } } class Number_System{ int len=0; String pattern; public Number_System(String seq){ len=seq.length(); pattern=seq; } public int genDeciValue(String x){ int i=0,v,str_len=x.length(); Double value=new Double(0.0); while(i<str_len){ v=pattern.indexOf(x.charAt(str_len-i-1)); value=v*Math.pow(len,i)+value; i++; } return value.intValue(); } public String genValue(int x){ String res=""; while(x!=0) { if(x<len){ res=pattern.charAt(x)+""+res; break; } res=pattern.charAt(x%len)+""+res; x=x/len; } return res; } }

Smart Siva

Author & Editor

In Life every second is important, In programming every line of code is important.


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